Monday, July 30, 2012

Spring Around the Corner ?

It has been so dreary lately, I am desperate for signs of spring.  Any and all of them.  One of the tasks I need to do is to prune the roses.  While they can be done in July, many suggest waiting until 1 August to do this, so any new growth will not get frost bitten, as risk of frosts should have passed by 3 weeks or so after that date (when new growth would emerge).  I know from past experience that roses here  spring to life fast and well, this is a perfect growing area for them.  So I went out to trim the first lot, it being quite close to 1 August.  And I have many to do, so will be doing this off and on all week.  I got about 20-25% of them done in this first session, and have nearly filled our green bin already.  (the rest will be piled up to fill it after it gets emptied next Saturday).

I found a few early signs of spring coming soon.  Lovely coral red blossoms that open just before and during the month of August,  I will have branches for the next few weeks, to put into a favourite cut glass vase.  And small marguerite daisies.  Paperwhite jonquils, which are especially fragrant filling the room with their scent the first several days after I bring them in.  And a few creamy and bright yellow jonquils too.  Cute little grape hyacinths, with their intoxicating perfume.  And a few crazy silly roses that have still been blooming, right up to Rose Pruning Week !  A few pink, two yellow, and one red.

lalala...Pookie.just happens to turn up
after a basket of flowers
is brought in the house
 I collected a basket of flowers to take in.  It did not take long for Pookie to come around to check out what was happening.

Now he is curious !
Coming in for a little sniff.  Yum, jonquils !
(fortunately the cats do not eat these, but the last of winter's roses have already been "enjoyed" and grazed!)
The flowers make it feel like spring is soon to come.


  1. With Spring just around the corner, the wild Freesias will start appearing along roadsides in the Barossa - there are plenty of places along the back roads of Angaston to find them. That is one of my favourite parts of Spring!
    I love the red blossoms!

  2. Thanks Marieka. I love the red blossoms too, my father says they are called quince blossom where he is from. They are an ornamental tree though (not the fruiting quince sort). I like freesia too. Still waiting for spring though ! Has continued a bit cold and miserable. I'm ready for a change !
