So just a couple very quick views of the the first week. Stunning kitchen, though feeling a bit empty in the middle, until the island Ian is planning gets built. He will soon start to source the metal for making that and we have spent the week looking at design ideas and agreeing (negotiating ?) design features, aesthetics, functionality, and parts. I have a business trip coming up soon, and will be bringing back an extra bag full of metal bits (some heavy industrial wheels we are sourcing in USA plus other things). Which is not so new (I often get to carry back things for Ian when I transit USA).
The cooker is absolutely gorgeous, the colour is excellent and a fantastic punctuation amongst the neutral kitchen finishes. Lighting is brilliant, we are very happy with that, it is stylish and also really great for work lighting. The old vintage factory clock looks great above the cooker area and I found an old stove top tea kettle in a pale green to match the clock's finish. Looking really great.

Saturday, I spent a whole day putting things into cabinets, getting it all organised for efficiency. Then today, Ian did most of the sink backsplash tiling. We await the little capping tiles for the tiptop row and they arrive next Tuesday. When they are in, I will snap a pic of that, because it is looking very elegant having it done too.

Winston loves the lounge room. It is all coming together, more soon !
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