Things have been busy on the renovation front. Something new is happening every single day. Progress that seemed slow before is now picking up steam.
This week I went to visit the Kitchen Maker's showroom and workshop, to pick out cabinet pull hardware. Mark Feltus owns Feltus Kitchens in Kapunda, SA and he showed me the various piece parts of our kitchen that his team was readying to install THIS week--Tomorrow. Very Exciting !! I asked if I could snap a few pics of my short tour of his workshop to share in this post.

It was fab to see the cabinet colours, all painted up. I had previously seen just the small paint chips I picked for the lower and upper cabinet colours. Darker shade for the base cabinets (the two pieces on the left above), and lighter for the upper wall ones (shown to the right above). Darker shade also goes on the cabinet for the fridge and microwave. I liked the door and drawer front contour too, came out really well. The paint job looks fantastic, a great finish.
It was exciting to see the kitchen all lined up and stacked up in the workshop, with the doors being assembled, now they had come from their paint jobs. I can't wait to see it all in place tomorrow !

After tomorrow, some additional installation work will be completed Monday. And also, the stone company comes to measure up the templates they will use to prepare the stone benchtops (counter tops). Those get installed at end of February and everything has been timed to get things in place so we will have a complete kitchen when we move in on the last day of the month.
Meanwhile, Ian has been busy on things in the kitchen too. He has had to do a lot of work on the walls that will show underneath and above the cabinets (it was all pretty grotty and yucky before). And he has gotten the kitchen painted, ceiling and walls. Walls are done in Porter's 'Old Church White.' I have not used this Porter's colour before and I really really love it. It is soft, a neutral white with a warm edge on it, and elegant--all at once. What a great choice and goes really well with all the other colours we are painting in the house. Today he also painted the window frame above where the sink will be, it is a colour called Volcanic Ash, and is almost black...very elegant also. We will do the baseboard and door frame trims later, just could not get that done this week (we lost a week of painting time when the weather was over 38C, or 100 F plus).
Some areas shown in pic on left are not pristinely painted because they we will be behind the cabinets. But even most of those areas got a good coat of fresh paint (they just did not need a topcoat).

And the tilers have set the tiles backsplash for the fireplace area where the cooker will go. Grouting will be done tomorrow. The backsplash behind sink will wait until the kitchen joinery is installed, but it will be the same white butcher tiles, set in a running arrangement, just as is done for the fireplace inside area.
You can't see the floor tiling well in these photos, we still have it covered up, but I suppose tomorrow Ian will remove the cardboard that has been protecting it from construction hazards, in time for the kitchen joinery installation.

Just in case you want to see how far we have come so far, here is a shot of the kitchen before (left, wearing big band of that liver pink wall colour we have found somewhere in every single room of the house). After old cabinets and fixtures were ripped out. And before old tiles taken up, subfloor was leveled (with new level and quality concrete), tiled in porcelain, ceiling trussed up and supported from above (so it doesn't sag anymore), the fireplace opening raised up, electricals conduits embedded in the walls, the walls repaired, new plumbing and gas-fitting put in, and all the ceiling and wall paintwork done.
Kim in the doorway to kitchen |
Tomorrow will be exactly 4 months elapsed since we got the House and its keys and surveyed what to do first. I am feeling pretty amazed at what we have gotten done in 4 months time (minus being away 2 weeks at Christmas-New Years). Two weeks ago it seemed daunting. Ian and I were/are both tired (and things were not feeling very fun or exciting...just more work more work). I wondered how we would make it happen as per the plan. Last week we decided to just power forward and get it done, one (short) month, four weeks, not even 30 days to do. We have a big big punch list still, and time is short. But now, Oh Wow. Things are coming together. Today, for the first time, I felt like we are turning the corner and heading in for the home stretch of this first (biggest) phase of our renovation race against schedule and time.