The subject here is some lovely lilies from our new garden ! These have been pretty for sometime and are on their way out now. But I managed to find three flowers (and no more--late season for these !) in good enough shape to paint.
This painting is in oils. Started on Sunday afternoon.
First, sketching it in.
And developing the painting.

Done for the day. But, I don't like that leaf (which really was there, belongs to another flower in the same vase, not featured

Today I did a bit more on this, and have edited out that leaf. Plus, I added a lot more to the petals of the flower. Before finishing up, I made the background less blue grey...and I like it better. It could become a different color, but for now, this is ok for me to work on the flowers, the vase, etc.

Next painting session will add some thicker oil paint for more texture.
Well, it has now been a month since Ian and I moved to "the country.". On reflection I realise what a change it is to move from a suburb of a city of more than 4 million to a charming country town so small it has no intersection traffic signals (though there is one pedestrian light at middle of town, but only on when a pedestrian wants to use it). The renovations are happening, and are at a rather messy stage. Ian has been removing thick stone walls and it is not fun, neat or easy.

And the verandah, with pink, orange and yellow roses blooming out front.