Hi Again, from the Road. The past couple weeks have been very hectic. Stops in China, Bulgaria, UK, and now USA, all in less than a fortnight's time ! I arrived in the US on the weekend with a horrific case of jetlag !

Then, to recover a bit, I started a painting from my In Transit Studio space, aka Blue Koi Studio West ! The Western studio is in PDT timezone and sits in the Reno NV area (at my parents' house, where I often stop on a weekend while in transit when possible). Last time I was passing through I started to set up a set of supplies to paint here. This time, I consulted the inventory, ordered a shipment of more paint to be sent to my parents' house to be waiting for me.
I had brought some reference photos of the golden roses, which my mother likes. I decided to do a painting of them for her. I thought I would use a different photo than the one I finished at home in Australia...but...the same reference photo won out, but this time we turned it on its side. It seemed to have a somewhat different character this way. I think it is because the motion and life of the subject just feels different to me turned this way.
As always, I start with a charcoal sketch.
Then I started working on the underpainting.
I have some different brands of paints here. Golden acrylics, Winsor & Newton Artist Acrylics, and Daniel Smith Acrylics. I have tried to use colors I am familiar with at home, it is just faster. But a few of these are different. My favorite paint for this painting here, as used today is DS's New Gamboge. I am not a watercolorist (not really !), but have this in their watercolors and love it ! The acrylic is just as good, it is a stunning goldy orange, like a perfect stereotypical goldfish gold. Go New Gamboge !
Because they will be living with the underpainting for awhile (until I am here again), I worked to get the whole canvas covered.
And here is the painting, in underpainting stage, left up on the gorgeous green feature wall, where it will be when done...but for now, they will get to look at the underpainting until I can come work on this again.